Other Information

Able to handle pork?
this maid is able to handle pork.
Able to eat pork?
this maid can eat pork.

Type of Experience

General Housekeeping This maid scores  stars in housekeeping. 12 Years
Taking Care of Young Children This maid scores  stars in taking care of younng children. 12 Years
Taking Care of Infant This maid scores  stars in taking care of infant. 2 Years
Cooking This maid scores  stars in cooking. 6 Years

Work Proficiency

Very Good Good Can Learn Comments
General Housekeeping This maid is very good at housekeeping. I can say i'm very good taking care of kids, even i don't have my own children but i can took care of them, i always make sure that i can give their needs and their safety. Playing with them, having fun, teaching them if they did some mistake or behaving no good.
Care For Young Children This maid is very good at taking care of young children. I can say i'm very good taking care of kids, even i don't have my own children but i can took care of them, i always make sure that i can give their needs and their safety. Playing with them, having fun, teaching them if they did some mistake or behaving no good.
Care for Infant This maid is good at taking care of infant. As for my experience of taking care of babies, i can make them stop crying, bottle feed to her, clean diapers to make sure no rash. Babies need extra care.
Cooking This maid is good at cooking. As my experience for working here in Singapore, my cooking filipino food are good, even my employer never complain.
Care For Elderly/Disabled This maid can learn taking care of elderly/disabled. I have never look after elderly before but i'm willing to learn.

Employment Record

Employer's Nationality Employer's House Type
Main Duties
Reason For Leaving
May 2011 Apr 2013 Filipino/Indian HDB Flat Take care 3 yrs old kid and newborn baby(both girls), Fetch and send kid to school, cooking, ironing, housekeeping 2 years - Finished contract
May 2013 Dec 2014 Chinese/Indian Landed 3Stry Take care of 8 yrs old boy and 9 yrs old girl, housekeeping, cooking, gardening. 1 year 6 months - Employer didn't treat me well.
Dec 2014 Current Filipino HDB Flat 2 room Take care 3 yrs old boy, 12 yrs old boy, housekeeping, cooking. Pick and send kids to school. 1 year 10 months - Finishing contract / i don't want to renew cos sleeping in a room with employer's siblings- brother 31yrs old and sister 27 yrs old

Maid Introduction

She worked with them for 4 years plus. Then in , she decided to come to Singapore to work, She been working here for 5 over years with 3 employers. Her 1st employer was a filipino/Indian family, she looked after a newborn baby and a 3 yr old kid. After completing her 2 yr contract, employer decided that they do not need helper anymore. After 1. Her current employer's contract is almost ending soon & she is up for transfer. [HK1/EL1/NB1/KD1/CK1/BH1/RP1].
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(License No.: 21C0556)

Address: 5 dalhousie lane,
Singapore 209674
Tel: 9855 9719
Fax: 9855 9719
Contact Person: Marrie Silva
Handphone: 9855 9719
Office Hour: Mon - Sun: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Public Holidays: BY APPOINTMENT only

We take great pride in NOT functioning as a typical "maid agency". Instead, we specialize in Experienced Maids only as it enables us to screen and only select the maids we want to represent. From this selected pool we then match their individual strengths and personalities to your specific priorities. Based on a "Happy Maids, Happy Homes" concept we have a proven track record of providing a One-Stop-Happy-Solution that brings on a smile from all parties concerned.

Last updated on 21-11-2016.
Total hits: 193.
Maid Agency:
Contact Person:
Marrie Silva

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