New maid
Myanmar maid
English: (Good)
Mandarin/Chinese-Dialect: (Little)

Other Information

Able to handle pork?
this maid is able to handle pork.
Able to eat pork?
this maid can eat pork.

Maid Introduction

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Maid Agency: Recruitbee Helpers Pte Ltd

(License No.: 21C0755)

Address: 110A Depot Road ,
#02-512, Singapore 310190
Fax: -
Contact Person: Dan
Office Hour:

Recruitbee's Emphasis

We understand that every home is unique in its needs and preferences. At Recruitbee, we take pride in listening and advising our customers with a view to seeking the most suitable foreign domestic worker (FDWs) for their home care needs. 

Our employment network includes Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar and North-eastern India. In these countries, we work with established associates who have vast experience in selecting suitable candidates for the multi-cultural setting of the Singapore home. Urgent requests for placements are therefore possible with our ready pool of candidates. Interviews can be arranged expediently according to customers' preferred mode.

At Recruitbee, we want to see happy customers relieved of the stresses from household needs and at the same time we wish to help our FDWs obtain gainful employment. Our aim is to operate a socially responsible company where we are honest and responsible to our customers and FDWs.

Our Services

Recruitbee's wide range of services covers the various stages of engaging a foreign domestic worker (FDW), during-employment procedures such as the arrangement for home leave and employment termination procedures including the return of the FDW to her home country.

Recruitbee's services include:

For employers:

  • Employment of Fresh / Transfer Domestic Helper
  • Direct Hire of Domestic Helper
  • Repatriation of Domestic Helper
  • Application / Renewal / Cancellation of Passports & Work Permits 


For FDWs:

  • Medical Check-Up
  • Settling-In-Programme (SIP)
  • Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
  • Training Courses & Workshops
  • Home-leave processing

Our consultants will also follow up with customers after successful placement of the FDW. This after-sales service allows customers to provide feedback on the placement. In instances where there may be misunderstandings or general uneasiness, our consultants step in to
counsel, if necessary, the FDW and/or will further advise customers of options.

Last updated on 22-01-2024.
Total hits: 32.
Maid Agency:
Recruitbee Helpers Pte Ltd (License No.:21C0755)
Contact Person:

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