Our services provided for employment of foreign workers
- Assist in the application of Industrial Classification who are employing foreign workers for the first time
- Assist in the application for In-Principle Approval (IPA) for work permit (WP), Spass (SP) or employment pass (EP)
- Assist in arranging for the employer to interview interested workers
- Arrange for the medical check-up,medical insurance and security bond
- Arrange for cancellation/renewal and collection of work permit, employment passor Spass
- Arrange for the workers to register at the Work Pass Service Centre (WPSC) for thumb print taking
- Offer transportation services for the workers from changi airport to their quarters or respective homes
- Offer full support, and give solutions to any problems that occur throughout the period of employment
- Assist in repatriation of workers upon expiry or termination of the employment agreement
- Help the employer in looking for suitable lodging for the workers when needed
- Take care of administrative matters related to Ministry Of Manpower (MOM) so long as workers are in employment with the employer
- Assist in arrange for free replacement of workers when needed
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