Address: Blk 121 Bukit Merah Lane 1,
Singapore 150121
Contact Person: Teena Aribal - MOM Reg.No. R1103103
Office Hour: 10:30am to 7:00pm (Monday to Friday)
11:00 am to 5:00 pm (Saturday)
Sunday/Public Holidays (By appointment basis)
Maid Agency Introduction
Being a registered company, Recruit Asia main goal is to provide a solution to your company in Singapore and other countries in the recruitments, hiring and placement of local and foreign applicants. To enter into an employment service between employer/company and employer/worker. To follow and deliver what was promised in the employment contract and other terms and conditions that had been appointed and defined and spelt in agreed conditions and agreement according to the labour law of Singapore.

Recruit Asia having its strong support from foreign countries is confidently capable to provide labour manpower to your company and slowly growing and being trusted by local employers both corporate and individual and continuously supply different personnel for their manpower needs.
Our agency is a licensed employment agency of the Ministry of Manpower. It is under the supervision and management by professionals and experienced personnel who passed the required Certificate of Employment Agency (CEA) required by the Licensing Division of MOM and equipped with Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Technical person in line of Architecture and Engineering. We screens, assess, interviews and selects the applicants in accordance with their education, qualification and personalities, and IQ & EQ tests to provide the number of people at the right time and place to sustain the needs of the employer and/or the organization.
Recruit Asia Pte Ltd
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------News Release...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good News!!..    Work & Live with Family in CanadaCaregivers will now have access to new pathways to permanent residence
2 new 5-year caregiver immigration pilot programs
Caregivers will have access to 2 new 5-year caregiver immigration pilots that will replace expiring and ineffective pilot programs. The new pilots will allow caregivers to come to Canada together with their family and provide a pathway to permanent residence.
Caregivers will also have greater flexibility to change jobs quickly, and barriers that prevent family members from accompanying caregivers to Canada will be removed, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Ahmed Hussen announced lately.
Under the new pilots, applicants will be assessed for permanent residence criteria before they begin working in Canada. Once the caregiver has their work permit and 2 years of work experience, they will have access to a direct pathway to become a permanent resident.

These pilot programs will replace the Caring for Children and Caring for People with High Medical Needs pilots and include:
** Occupation-specific work permits for caregivers, providing the ability to change jobs quickly when necessary.
** Open work permits for spouses/common-law partners and study permits for dependent children, to allow the caregivers family to accompany them to Canada.
To know more about this.  Come & Join w/ us on the Talk  (+65 6261 0271)
(updates - 03 October 2019)

Are you interested to work in CANADA??? 
As a Caregiver  and become an IMMIGRANT!!!
This is your chance... Become an Immigrant
Through the New Caregiver Pilot Program and 
have a chance to bring your families, to Canada...

 For more information please: * tel: (+ 65) 6261 0271 * tel: (+ 65) 9818 5629 *email:

(updates - 03 October 2019)

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