Full body photo of Indonesian maid: Ucu Sri Rahayu
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Maid Name:
Ucu Sri Rahayu
Transfer maid
Indonesian maid
English: (Good)
Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia: (Good)
Ref Code:
Full body photo of Indonesian maid: Ucu Sri Rahayu
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Date Of Birth:
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Children's Ages
Expected Salary

Other Information

Able to handle pork?
this maid is able to handle pork.
Able to eat pork?
this maid can eat pork.

Employment Record

Country Main Duties
2007 2009 Singapore Landed bungalow house - 3 adults. Household chores.
2009 2009 Singapore Left because employer does not speak English.
2009 2010 Singapore Employer went back.
2010 2011 Singapore Condo with 2 adults and 2 children (5&8). Cleaning, pick kids from school, play, cooking, arrange play dates, marketing, etc. Left because employer went back US.
2011 2013 Singapore Condo with 2 adults and 3 children (2,4,6). Take care of kids, playing, cleaning, cooking, marketing, washing of car. Left because salary was too low.
2013 2017 Singapore Landed house of 2 adults and 2 children (9 & 11), with pet cats. Employer went back Netherlands. Provided a reference.
2019 2020 Singapore Employer lost their job during Covid.
2020 Singapore 3000 sqft landed with 5 toilets. Took care of children from 1 & 5 years old.

Maid Introduction

Ucu is an experienced Indonesian helper who has worked with several nationalities, including both local and expatriate families.
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Maid Agency: Auntis Employment Agency

(License No.: 23C1534)

Address: 374B East Coast Road ,
Singapore 428983
Tel: 8264-6364
Contact Person: Ming Wei
Handphone: 8264-6364
Office Hour:

Auntis Employment Agency hopes to be a breath of fresh air amongst the sea of helpers in neon polos at strata malls.

Treating helpers with respect,
Fulfilling employers' requests,
Forming a happy match for all,
Is our core business, big or small.

We're here to listen and meet your needs,
To find the right fit for your deeds.

Employers and Helpers, come to us today,
Or stop by for coffee at our cosy space :) 

EA Lic 23C1534

Last updated on 14-03-2024.
Total hits: 202.
Maid Agency:
Auntis Employment Agency (License No.:23C1534)
Contact Person:
Ming Wei

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