Other Information
Able to handle pork?
Able to eat pork?
Maid Introduction
Arul Siva Bemina Kulorirani is a 43-year-old helper from Athanur, Tamil Nadu. She is Married with two children (1g-21,1b-18). She has 1 year and 10 months of experience as a helper in Singapore. She is proficient in Tamil and understands Basic English. She is ready to care for infants, children, and elders and can cook vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. She is also capable of cleaning and performing general housekeeping tasks. She is currently in India and available for a phone interview. She is the sole financial support for her family. She expects a salary of $557*+ 43 (2 days off compensation) with one 2 off in a month.
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(License No.: 10C3306)
Address: |
1, Yishun Industrial Street 1, #06-29, A'posh Bizhub, Singapore 768160 |
Tel: |
6714 6724 |
Contact Person: |
Meera |
Handphone: |
8188 2234 |
Office Hour: |
Monday to Saturday 11AM to 6PM
Sunday by Appointment |
Last updated on 21-03-2024.
Total hits: 52.