Full body photo of Indonesian maid: Endah Lestari
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Maid Name:
Endah Lestari
Ex-Singapore maid
Indonesian maid
English: (Good)
Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia: (Good)
Ref Code:
Full body photo of Indonesian maid: Endah Lestari
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Date Of Birth:
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Other Information

Able to handle pork?
this maid is able to handle pork.
Able to eat pork?
this maid can't eat pork.

Employment Record

Country Main Duties
2016 2017 Singapore Cooking, cleaning, gardening, 12 & 14 yrs old childcare in a 4 bedroom landed property. Worked for only 6 months. ROL-employers ask her to kill any cats who enters the garden. very rude by throwing her salary onto
2017 2020 Singapore 3 rm HDB. take care of 10 & 13yrs child. send and pink kids from school. cook for everyone and household chores, and a small dog. ROL-worked for 3yrs 3 months. Wanted to go home to visit family.
2020 2021 Singapore 4 rm HDB. Take care of 10 and 14 yrs child. Worked for 1.5 yrs. ROL: have to cook for employer's food business. wake up at 4am to prepare and go to bed at 2am every
2021 2022 Singapore 6 rooms landed property. Single mother with 3 grown children. ROL: Short term employment while the employer was waiting for their previous helper to join back.
2022 2023 Singapore 3rm HDB. Mam went for surgery so had to shower, clean, nurse maam, cook and house cleaning. Worked for 1.5yrs. ROL: employer went back to India
2023 2024 Singapore Employer was doing home based business. Business flopped and was unable to pay her salary. ROL: Employer unable to pay her salary

Maid Introduction

Endah is a very cheerful lady. She is well versed in Singapore with all her experience. She is committed to doing work for employers who can be matched with her friendly personality.

She is looking to work long term with employer.
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Maid Agency: Paragon Maids & Employment Agency Pte Ltd

(License No.: 23C2057)

Address: 865, Mountbatten Road,
#02-66, Katong Shopping Centre, Singapore 437844
Tel: 85000212 (Devi), 85000210 (Jeho)
Contact Person: Devi, Jeho
Handphone: 85000212 (Devi), 85000210 (Jeho)
Office Hour: Monday to Sunday: 11AM to 7PM

Paragon Maids & Employment Agency aims to apply extensive networking with employers to source domestic workers for their needs. 

We will strive to adopt recruitment expertise in sourcing, screening and assessing candidates very carefully for our clients.

We possess industry knowledge to understand employers' needs and MOMs regulations, and be constantly updated with the human resource trend and market. 

Paragon is well-versed in MOM laws, regulations and compliance issues, and most importantly maintain a high level of confidentiality in our dealings with all clients.

Last updated on 09-10-2024.
Total hits: 49.
Maid Agency:
Paragon Maids & Employment Agency Pte Ltd (License No.:23C2057)
Contact Person:
Devi, Jeho
85000212 (Devi), 85000210 (Jeho)

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