(1 Maids in Shortlist)Your Maid Shortlist
RemoveNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 18-10-2018:SEANG CHOVON
Maid Agency: Maids Central Pte Ltd
New/Fresh maid
Employment HistoryFrom 2007 To 2009 Country Other Countries Main Duties GENERAL HOUSEWORK, COOKING, IRONING, TAKE CARE OF DOG, TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN(7YO, 4YO) Remark 2 STOREY HOUSE(4BEDROOMS,5 TOILETS) SkillsLanguage Skills English&cambodia Evaluation General Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation Cooking Skills Cambodia Evaluation 1895322538