(1 Maids in Shortlist)Your Maid Shortlist
RemoveMyanmar maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 09-04-2023Myanmar maid:Moe Moe Thet-TN.
Maid Agency: EP One Manpower Pte. Ltd.She can take care of children as she has experienced in taking care of her own kid like changing diaper, feeding milk, bathe the baby, coax the baby etc. She has experienced in her home country for 2 years (2021-2022) as a domestic helper. She can cook some simple dishes. She can do all the general housework like washing clothes, hanging clothes, cleaning windows, mopping, ironing etc. She is willing to take care of children and elderly as well. rs//.SkillsGeneral Housework Evaluation Care of infants/children Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Evaluation 1914616425