(1 Maids in Shortlist)Your Maid Shortlist
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 20-09-2023Indonesian maid:DEWI SARTIKA
Maid Agency: Champion Manpower Agency Llp
New/Fresh maid
Employment HistoryFrom 2018 To 2020 Country Indonesia Main Duties DO FOR ALL HOUSEWORK / CLEANING, DO TAKE CARE FOR INFANS AGES 9 ONTHS OLD AND TAKE CARE FOR KIDS AGE 2 YO, COOKING, SERVE FOR 4 PERSON (PARENTS, 2 KIDS) STAY AT APARTMENT, BABY SLEEP WITH HER, CAN DO MARKETING Remark 2 YEARS SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness 2011653630