(1 Maids in Shortlist)Your Maid Shortlist
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 12-08-2024Indonesian maid:Khusnul Khotima.
Maid Agency: Busy Bee Recruitment
New/Fresh maidShe also worked in Malaysia as a Housemaid before coming to Singapore.
Her duties in Malaysia include : housekeeping, ironing, washing, cooking and childcare.
She can cook simple Chinese food and speaks/understand basic English.
She is willing to follow her Employers’ instructions and styles of cooking.
Honest and Hardworking. Serious to work long term.
She can take care of children or elderly.
*English BASIC.SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation 3559733918