(1 Maids in Shortlist)Your Maid Shortlist
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 06-11-2024Indonesian maid:Ida Rosida
Maid Agency: Super Employment Specialist Pte Ltd
Transfer maidShe speaks English well
2011-2014: She completed 3 years with a Chinese family living in a flat. Her duties included cooking, grocery shopping and general housekeeping.
2015-2018: She worked 3 and a half years with a Chinese family living in a flat. Her household duties include cooking, grocery shopping and general housekeeping.
2018-2024: Currently she is working 6 years with Indian family in a condo. Her other chores include cooking, grocery shopping and general housekeeping. Employer's reference: Ida has been in our employment since 26 August 2018 (over 6 years) and is a great asset to our family. Ida joint our family a few weeks before the birth of our first child, she very quickly learnt our preferred ways and loved our child like her own. She required very little training in household management or cooking at all. 2. 5 years later, she welcomed the birth of our son with open arms and expanded her workload to manage the entire household chores, shopping, cooking, and cleaning in addition to being the primary caregiver to our children who she has raised as her own. We truly value the support that Ida provides to our family. She is completely self-sufficient, can manage the management of the entire household, cooking 4 different styles of meals due to different preferences, cleaning, shopping and general support. She is 100% trustworthy with belongings and personal items, is discreet, warm to our family and guest. She truly has been an integral part of our lives these last few years and its hard to part ways. I truly hope she finds a home that will appreciate her and care for her as much as we do.
Available for immediate employment
For interviews call 6732 5855/WA 9724 3483
SUPER EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST.SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Experience 9Year(s) Evaluation 940755230