(22 Maids in Shortlist)Your Maid Shortlist
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-01-2023Indonesian maid:ERNA SARI
New/Fresh maidShe can not eat pork but she can handle of pork. Previously she has experience working in Indonesia.
She had vaccinated/ Booster.
She not afraid of small dog.
She can cook Indonesian food like curry chicken, rending beef, stir fry spicy prawn, spicy eggplant, chicken/veg soup, plain porridge, grilled chicken and fish, soto chicken, fried chicken/ fish/ chicken/ rice/ and noodle. Brownies, sarang semut, chocolate cake. Her cooking is nice and she willing to learn.
She can speak simple English and she willing to learn.
She can do simple sewing, cycling, and gardening.Employment HistoryFrom 2020 To 2022 Country Indonesia Main Duties Her duties was taking care of kid. Do all general house work, washing, mopping, ironing, cleaning, cooking and marketing. Remark Finished Contract 1891566379 -
RemoveIndian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 14-01-20232639599052
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 08-01-2025Indonesian maid:RESTI RUSTIANA
Maid Agency: 1A Star Employment Agency
Ex-Singapore maidShe has initiative things independently. She can cook her hometown foods, Chinese foods other variety and can follow the recipe well. She finished her contract with her previous employer while waiting to select of another employer, she can able to work long in a household and a hard working in Singapore for two years.
With her 2 years of experienced as a housemaid Singapore, she is expected to be well versed in doing household chores such as cleaning, doing the laundry, pressing clothes, washing the dishes and marketing.
She can take care of the dog.
She can cook Chinese and Indonesian food as well as Western food. Willing to learn other types of dishes.Employment HistoryFrom 2022 To 2024 Country Singapore Main Duties Take care of new born, general house work, cooking in a landed property. Remark finished contract SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation 851769885 -
RemoveMyanmar maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 09-02-2025Myanmar maid:NAW THIN KYI
Maid Agency: 4R Employment Agency
New/Fresh maidShe was born in Naung Bo Aung Village Homalin Township Sagain Division. She can handle all food but NO BEEF.
Naw Thin Kyi has previous working experience in Myanmar from 2019-2023. Her main duties includes general housework and taking care children.
She is able to cook and is willing to learn new recipes. She is willing to take care of both children and the elderly.
Please contact Ros @8755 2511 for free interview which can be conducted through telephone/video call.SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Care of infants/children Willingness Care of Elderly Willingness Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness 2248777114 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 12-02-2025Indonesian maid:Aprilin Catur R.
Maid Agency: Connect Maid Agency Pte Ltd
New/Fresh maid(Nil) (Nil) APRILIN CATUR RINI FDW Name and Signature EA Personnel Name and Registration Number Date: Date: I have gone through the 4 page biodata of this FDW and confirm that I would like to employ her Employer Name/Signature and NRIC No. 4 '.Employment HistoryFrom 2018 To 2020 Country Australia Main Duties Taking care 1 yo dan 8 yo childrens, Cooking and do house keeping Remark FINISH From 2022 To 2024 Country Indonesia Main Duties Taking Care disabled elderly 80 yo , cooking and do house keeping. Remark FINISH SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Care of infants/children Willingness Care of Elderly Willingness Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness 3734777714 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 12-02-2025Indonesian maid:YULIYANA
Maid Agency: Budget Employment
Ex-Singapore maidSkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation 1115777720 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 12-02-2025Indonesian maid:Ika Kristina Yu.
Maid Agency: Connect Maid Agency Pte Ltd
New/Fresh maid(Nil) IKA KRISTINA YUNIANTI (Nil) IKA KRISTINA YUNIANTI FDW Name and Signature EA Personnel Name and Registration Number Date: Date: I have gone through the 4 page biodata of this FDW and confirm that I would like to employ her Employer Name/Signature and NRIC No. 4 '.Employment HistoryFrom 2020 To 2022 Country Indonesia Main Duties Taking care 2 yo and 8 yo childerns, Cooking and do house keeping Remark FINISH From 2022 To 2024 Country Philippines Main Duties Taking Care elderly 65 yo , cooking and do house keeping. Remark FINISH SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Care of infants/children Willingness Care of Elderly Willingness Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness 3734777733 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 12-02-2025Indonesian maid:Saropah
Maid Agency: Connect Maid Agency Pte Ltd
New/Fresh maid(Nil) (Nil) SAROPAH FDW Name and Signature EA Personnel Name and Registration Number Date: Date: I have gone through the 4 page biodata of this FDW and confirm that I would like to employ her Employer Name/Signature and NRIC No. 4 '.Employment HistoryFrom 2020 To 2022 Country Indonesia Main Duties Taking care 2 yo and 7 yo, Cooking and do house keeping Remark FINISH From 2022 To 2024 Country Philippines Main Duties Taking Care disabled elderly 68 , cooking and do house keeping. Remark FINISH SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Care of infants/children Willingness Care of Elderly Willingness Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness 3734777736 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 12-02-2025Indonesian maid:Yunia Mitha Tuz.
Maid Agency: Connect Maid Agency Pte Ltd
New/Fresh maidSHE HAS 2 YEARS WORKING EXPERIENCES AS A HOUSEMAID IN INDONESIA. SHE CAN ALSO TAKING CARE OF DOG. ________________________________ _________________________________.Employment HistoryFrom 2019 To 2021 Country Indonesia Main Duties GENERAL HOUSE KEEPING, WASHING, IRONING,COOKING, SERVING MEAL, MARKETING ANDTAKING CARE OF 1 CHILDREN 5 YRS, WASHINGCAR & GARDENING ( 3 PEOPLES IN EMP HOUSE) Remark 2 YRS (2019-2021) 3734777817 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:LINDA YANTI
Maid Agency: Brilliant Sky Employment Agency
New/Fresh maidSkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness 935778072 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:Puryanti
Maid Agency: Connect Maid Agency Pte Ltd
Ex-Singapore maidSkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Care of Elderly Willingness Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness 3734778079 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:MUSTIKAWATI
Maid Agency: Brilliant Sky Employment Agency
New/Fresh maidSkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness 935778093 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:Trismiyati (Nov.
Maid Agency: JLK Employment Services
New/Fresh maidSkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness 516778104 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:LIN ANDAYANI KU.
Maid Agency: RT Connections Pte. Ltd.
New/Fresh maid
Has experience in childcare & elderly care.
Willing to take care of the children, elderly & disabled people.
She can do general housework very well.
She can cook food, and she can follow recipes.
She can speak basic in English.
She is willing to learn new things and takes the initiative when given a task.
She is also able to take directions and follow instructions.
She is a good team player and can work well with others.
She can be a valuable helper to the family.SkillsLanguage Skills English, Mandarin Evaluation General Housework Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Care of Elderly Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation Cooking Skills Indonesian Food Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation 3566778106 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:PRICILIA FIKA F.
Maid Agency: RT Connections Pte. Ltd.
New/Fresh maid
Has experience in childcare & elderly care.
Willing to take care of the children, elderly & disabled people.
She can do general housework very well.
She can cook food, and she can follow recipes.
She can speak basic in English.
She is willing to learn new things and takes the initiative when given a task.
She is also able to take directions and follow instructions.
She is a good team player and can work well with others.
She can be a valuable helper to the family.SkillsLanguage Skills English Evaluation General Housework Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation Cooking Skills Indonesian Food Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation 3566778111 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:PUTIK SARI DIAH.
Maid Agency: RT Connections Pte. Ltd.
New/Fresh maid
Has experience in elderly care.
Willing to take care of the children, elderly & disabled people.
She can do general housework very well.
She can cook Chinese food, and she can follow recipes.
She can speak basic in English.
She is willing to learn new things and takes the initiative when given a task.
She is also able to take directions and follow instructions.
She is a good team player and can work well with others.
She can be a valuable helper to the family.SkillsLanguage Skills English Evaluation General Housework Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation Cooking Skills Indonesian Food, Chinese Food Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation 3566778117 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:Karsiyem Re.
Maid Agency: Connect Maid Agency Pte Ltd
Ex-Singapore maidA-4 '.SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Care of infants/children Willingness Care of Elderly Willingness 3734778125 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:Iswanti (Wanti)
Maid Agency: Connect Maid Agency Pte Ltd
Ex-Singapore maidISWANTI MDW’s Name EA Personal Name and Registration Number Date: Date: Confirmation by Singapore employer. I have gone through the 4 pages biodata of this MDW and confirm that I would like to employ her. '.Employment HistoryFrom 2004 To 2006 Country Hong Kong Main Duties DO GENERAL HOUSE KEEPING,CLEANING THE HOUSE,WASHING AND IRONING THE CLOTH, COOKING.TAKE CARE AKONG 50 YO, AMA 60 YO HEALTHY. Remark $HK 3.500 From 2008 To 2010 Country Singapore Main Duties DO GENERAL HOUSE KEEPING,CLEANING THE HOUSE,WASHING AND IRONING THE CLOTH, COOKING.TAKE CARE CHILDREN 1 YO. Remark $ 550 3734778127 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:NURNANINGSIH
Maid Agency: Brilliant Sky Employment Agency
New/Fresh maidSkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness 935778139 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:SITI NURHAYATI
Maid Agency: RT Connections Pte. Ltd.
Ex-Singapore maid
Has experience in childcare & elderly care.
Willing to take care of the children, elderly & disabled people.
She can do general housework very well.
She can cook Chinese food, and she can follow recipes.
She is willing to learn new things and takes the initiative when given a task.
She is also able to take directions and follow instructions.
She is a good team player and can work well with others.
She can be a valuable helper to the family.SkillsLanguage Skills Bahasa, Malay Evaluation General Housework Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation Cooking Skills Indonesian Food, Chinese Food Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation 3566778180 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 13-02-2025Indonesian maid:ISTINAH WATI
Maid Agency: RT Connections Pte. Ltd.
New/Fresh maid
Has experience in childcare & elderly care.
Willing to take care of the children, elderly & disabled people.
She can do general housework very well.
She can cook food, and she can follow recipes.
She can speak basic in English.
She is willing to learn new things and takes the initiative when given a task.
She is also able to take directions and follow instructions.
She is a good team player and can work well with others.
She can be a valuable helper to the family.SkillsLanguage Skills English Evaluation General Housework Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation Cooking Skills Indonesian Food Experience 2Year(s) Evaluation 3566778195