(1 Maids in Shortlist)Your Maid Shortlist
RemoveMyanmar maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 02-10-2024Myanmar maid:Aye Thidar
Maid Agency: GM Connection Pte Ltd
Ex-Singapore maid✅Completed Contract
✅Available for interview
Aye Thidar has close to 8 years of working experience in Singapore. She likes elderly-care and is keen in taking care of elderly.
She also has to perform general household chore and do simple cooking. She is able to cook simple Chinese daily dishes such as stir-fried vegetables, fried rice, corn soup, fried bee hoon etc.
Overall, Aye Thidar comes across as pleasant and mature.
For Enquiries, kindly contact us at
Email: info@gmconnection. sg
Tel. : +65 6100 1987
DID: +65 88750092/ +65 8875 0500 (Call/SMS/WhatsApp)
Homepage: www. gmconnection. sg
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