Employing a good maid improves life quality

  Publication Bestmaid.com.sg
  Date 10/12/2005

Recently, we interviewed a couple who just employed a Philipino maid.

The employer is very satisfied with their maid. The mother said she feel this is the most valuable investment that they have invest. Because soon after their maid came, their daugther started to greeting people. Their maid not only help them to take care of housework but also teach their daugther English, songs and words.

Their daughter is two years old now. She can sing a few English songs and recognize some words. Their Philipino maid also teaches their daughter to write letters and numbers. They feel their daughter is much happier and healthier now.

The father is happy also. Although initially they don't like the meals that their maid prepare for them. After they bought two cooking books for her. She can cook delicious meals now.

Their maid also promised to take good care of their daughter and not to let her fall sick easily.

The father said he used to think employing a maid could be troublesome as living with a stranger would be very inconvenient. Now he doesn't think so. He said that a good maid really helps to improve the quality of the life. Furthermore, they can also help their maid to fulfil her dreams in saving money to build their home and set up a small business for a better life for her family. Their maid has a five years old son, and a three years old girl. She is looking forward to bring home a few thousand Singapore dollors. She said that is a lot of money which is more than sufficient to set up a small business, send her kids to school and re-build her house which was destroyed by strong wind.

This is a win-win employment relationship. Everybody feel happy.

We also interviewed a few employers who have kids. Most of them have happy employment experience. Employers said that employing a maid is a benifit to live in Singapore. As raising a child become more enjoyable, and they will have more time to spend with their kids. Because the maid can help them to take care of the house works.

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