Full body photo of Filipino maid: Marlyn E. Cacanindin
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Maid Name:
Marlyn E. Cacanindin
New maid
Filipino maid
English: (Good)
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Full body photo of Filipino maid: Marlyn E. Cacanindin
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Other Information

Able to handle pork?
this maid is able to handle pork.
Able to eat pork?
this maid can eat pork.

Employment Record

Country Main Duties
2013 2015 United Arab Emirates General Housework Completed contract

Maid Introduction

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Maid Agency: Kababayan Far East Manpower & Services

(License No.: 92C3162)

Address: 545 Orchard Road #04-18,
#04-18 Far East Shopping Centre, Singapore 238882
Tel: 6733-1314, 6733-3717
Fax: 6733-1715
Contact Person: Ms.Nenita / Ms.Ligaya/Ms Riza
Handphone: 94509925 / 83181260 / 94602230
Office Hour: Monday to Saturday: 10AM to 7PM

What we do

We are an employment agency operating in Singapore specialising in the following fields

deployment of Filipino foreign domestic workers to Singapore
deployment of Filipino foreign domestic workers from Singapore to Hong Kong, Middle East and Europe (Poland)
deployment of Filipino nannies and caregivers from Singapore to Canada
deployment of Filipino HRM graduates from Singapore/Philippines to Canada
deployment of Singaporean and Hong Kong nurses to Australia
deployment of Filipino skilled workers to Singapore and Canada

We also process NCLEX examination applications with NEAC.

Our accreditation

We are a licensed agency accredited with the AEAS. Rest assured that we will give you quality service and peace of mind. Let us solve your FDW needs!

Our Core Businesses

Deploying Domestic Helpers, Professionals and Nurses
We provide job placement services for Filipinos and Indonesians to work in Singapore as domestic helpers, Nurses and Nursing Aides.

Our services have been packaged for your convenience. The fees include recruitment charges, work permit application fees, bankers guarantee, airport pickup and services, thumbprinting and collection of work permit. We do provide up to 12 months replacement guarantee at a minimal fee.

We also service job placements in the field of healthcare for qualified personnel.

Provision of direct hiring services
Direct Hiring is the process of hiring a foreign maid that you know, who has agreed to work for you in the country of deployment.

For typical Direct Hiring cases, the maid will need to fulfill all the legal requirements for her own legitimate departure from her country, as an overseas contract worker. The employer, too, will need to provide legal documentation for the domestic helper's employment. Essentially, direct hiring in Singapore needs to go through the same employment process as other Domestic Help employment.

At Kababayan, we offer dedicated assistance to clients who seek direct hire services. Our service comes in both standard, and tailored packages according to the client's requirements. Some of what our packages include are the application for a work permit and banker's guarantee, medical checkup services, insurance, embassy contract documentation, help in e-registration processing for balik-manggagawa, preparation and arrangement for one-day Settling-In-Programme to be completed within three days upon arrival of applicant.

Services for maid transfer
'Transfer maids' are maids that are available for employment by another prospective employer, and currently employed by an existing employer in Singapore. This is only done with the approval of the existing employer, and if the transferring maid's reasons for transfer are legitimate (e.g. current employer migrating).

After interviewing them and finding them suitable for transfer, we provide the necessary services to find them a good new employer.

Deployment of Caregivers and Nannies to Canada
Domestic workers who have finished their contract and wish to explore other opportunities might desire to work in Canada.
We have been deploying Caregivers to Canada for a significant number of years now. Based on the applicant's qualifications, experience and testimonies, we provide consultation to interested individuals, and can deploy them either directly from Singapore, or from their countries of origin.

Deployment of Domestic Helpers to Hong Kong, Middle East and Europe
We have been steadily deploying Domestic Helpers to Hong Kong, Middle East and Europe for sometime. After the domestic worker has finished her contract or when they are not needed anymore by the employer they might desire to work in the abovementioned countries.

Based on their qualifications and abilities we provide consultancy services, assist in processing and deployment either directly from Singapore or from their country of origin.

Processing of NCLEX applications for nursing jobs in USA (NEAC)
NEAC Singapore is serviced by Kababayan, and is the only NCLEX examination application centre in Singapore.

NEAC Nurse Exam Application Center is designed to assist international nurses with their NCLEX application preparation to obtain Eligibility, Authorization to Take Test (ATT), and to schedule their exam.

NEAC Exam Application Center, NCSBN and Pearson Vue are separate entities. NEAC facilitates the application preparation process and provides you all the information you need to apply to any Board of Nursing in the United States. NEAC is a legally establised Company under DTI Departmant of Trade and Industry.

Last updated on 18-07-2018.
Total hits: 335.
Maid Agency:
Kababayan Far East Manpower & Services (License No.:92C3162)
Contact Person:
Ms.Nenita / Ms.Ligaya/Ms Riza
94509925 / 83181260 / 94602230

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