Full body photo of Filipino maid: BICENA MARIAN BAGTAS
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Maid Name:
Ex-Singapore maid
Filipino maid
English: (Good)
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Full body photo of Filipino maid: BICENA MARIAN BAGTAS
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Date Of Birth:
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Other Information

Able to handle pork?
this maid is able to handle pork.
Able to eat pork?
this maid can eat pork.

Employment Record

Country Main Duties
2012 2013 Singapore Looking after newborn (sleeping with the newborn, wake up at night and others) and 5 yrs old, general housekeeping, marketing and cooking. (1 yr & 1 month) HDB in laws stay with the employer, and helper sleep on the floor.
2013 2014 Singapore Looking after bedridden elderly (NGT, feeding, sponge, taking temperature), general housekeeping, marketing and cooking. (1 yrs & 1 months) Landed 3 storey elderly pass away.
2014 2014 Singapore Looking after twins (11 yrs old), one is disabled, sending and fetching to/from school. general housekeeping, marketing and cookig. (3 months) HDB employer mother come to look after her own grnadchild.
2014 2015 Singapore Looking after 2 kids (5 & 3 yrs old) general housekeeping, marketing and cooking also car washing. (2 months) Condo getting along with the elderly.
2015 2017 Singapore Looking after 1 child (10 months old) sending and fetching to/from school, general housekeeping, marketing and cooking. (2 yrs), HDB employer send the child to full time childcare.
2016 2023 Singapore Looking after 3 adults, general housekeeping, marketing and cooking. (5 yrs & 9 months).2 storey condo, employer going back for good.
2023 2024 Singapore Looking after new-born, general housekeeping, marketing and cooking. (4 months) Condo no enough food.

Maid Skills

Areas of Work Willingness Experience Evaluation
Care of infants/children
Care of elderly
Care of disabled
General housework

Maid Introduction

8 sibling in the family. She decide to work overseas to help her family financially especially putting her children to University.

Marian, has always smile on her face, she is fast learner, reliable, independent that employer no need to supervise her work, attentive, and willing to learn. Master in cooking the vegetarian experienced in new-born, toddler and elderly (disabled).

Marian cannot look after pets as she has an allergy she has no issue in gardening and even do simple sewing also car washing. she can plan a menu for a week. No issue going to wet or dry market or even taking grab or taxi nor public transport. she is fully vaccinated with booster. She can be interview anytime through WhatsApp videocall.
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Maid Agency: Shift Manpower Pte Ltd

(License No.: 21C0883)

Address: 545 Orchard Road Far East Shopping Centre 04-10B,
Singapore 238882
Tel: 90012483 (HAZEL)
Contact Person: Hazel / Gemma
Handphone: 90012483 / 91469841
Office Hour: MONDAY TO SUNDAY 10:00 -5:30

We are license Singapore Based Employment Agency Specializing on Foreign Domestic worker and Foreign workers.

Last updated on 30-01-2024.
Total hits: 236.
Maid Agency:
Shift Manpower Pte Ltd (License No.:21C0883)
Contact Person:
Hazel / Gemma
90012483 / 91469841

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