(4 Maids in Shortlist)Your Maid Shortlist
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 23-11-2021Indonesian maid:RIKI ANDAYANI (.
Maid Agency: H.Era Employment Services
New/Fresh maid
Working experience in Indonesia as a helper: General house works and taking care of elderly.SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation 2625520032 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 08-12-2021Indonesian maid:Meriana Bulu
New/Fresh maidPreviously she has experience working in Indonesia.
She had vaccinated.
She not afraid of dog.
She can cook food like sambal kangkong, fried prawn, dark sauce pork, grilled chicken, chicken/veg soup, plain porridge, fish soup, fried chicken/ fish/ chicken/ rice/ and noodle. Her cooking is nice and she willing to learn.
She can speak simple English and she willing to learn.
She can do simple sewing, cycling, and gardening.Employment HistoryFrom 2019 To 2019 Country Indonesia Main Duties Her duties was taking care of children. Do all general housework, and prepare food for madam to cook. Remark - From 2016 To 2016 Country Indonesia Main Duties Her duties was taking care of kid and baby. And Do all general house work, cleaning, washing, mopping, Ironing. Remark - From 2014 To 2016 Country Indonesia Main Duties Her duties was taking care of elderly sometime use wheelchair/ helper sleep with elderly. Do all general housework, marketing and cooking for herself. Remark Finished Contract. From 2011 To 2013 Country Indonesia Main Duties Her duties was do all general house, cleaning, washing, mopping, ironing, prepare food for madam to cook, and marketing. Remark Finished Contract and renew. 1891522913 -
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 11-12-2021Indonesian maid:SAMSINAR
New/Fresh maidShe wants to work long term in Singapore to provide the family.Employment HistoryFrom 2015 To 2018 Country Indonesia Main Duties Take care children 5yo, cleaning the house and cooking.5badroom, 2bathroom Remark Not scared of dog SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation 2039523272 -
RemoveMyanmar maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 14-02-2025Myanmar maid:Aye Aye Moe
Maid Agency: Athena Global Employment Pte. Ltd.
Ex-Singapore maidShe speaks English quite well. She is a cheerful and pleasant person. She had completed her contract.
She can cook Myanmar food and Chinese food.
She can be deployed to Singapore immediately.
Please check our website at www. athenaglobal. com. sg for more candidate profiles.
Please contact us at 63568800 / 97580001 (whatsapp) or email to info. athenaglobal@gmail. com for an interview or for more details.SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation Care of Disabled/Bedridden Willingness Evaluation 1938778149