(1 Maids in Shortlist)Your Maid Shortlist
RemoveIndonesian maidNew maidEnglish SpeakingUpd on 18-1-2015Indonesian maid:Musiyah
Maid Agency: 1Click Employment Agency
Ex-Singapore maidShe worked in Singapore for almost 9 years. She can cook Malay food, vegetarian food and Chinese food such as curry chicken, rendang, soto, spaghetti, steamed fish, tom yam, fried rice, chicken soup, corn soup, fried mix vegetables, omelette, steamed egg, etc. She would like to work in Singapore again to support her family and her future. .SkillsGeneral Housework Willingness Evaluation Care of infants/children Willingness Evaluation Care of Elderly Willingness Evaluation 1007105274