She has 2 yrs work experience as helper in Singapore.
She can speak good English and can follow instructions.
She can cook Chinese meals, simple Western meals, simple Malay, can bake and able to follow recipes.
She can work alone and have initiative.
She describes herself as caring, humble and patient.
She is looking forward to work in Singapore again to support her children.
KHIN HNIN SWE is a helper with 2 years of working experience in home country.
Her child care duties include preparing milk, feeding, showering, changing clothes & diapers, bringing the children to the playground and putting theren child to bed.
Other duties included doing all the household chores, such as washing the laundry, ironing, housekeeping, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686/ 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
Indian maid:Sevuthiyan Arok. Maid Agency: Indian Maids Transfer maid
She can speak Tamil and understand basic English.
She has 2 years and 4 months of experience as a helper in Singapore.
She is also willing to care for infants, children, and elders.
She has experience caring for infants and children at her previous employer's house.
She can do cleaning and general housekeeping.
She is now in Singapore, available for a telephone and face-to-face interview, and ready to start as soon as possible.
She is coming to earn money to support her family financially.
Jocita has been working in Singapore as a domestic helper since 2011.
She has worked for 14 years with 6 different households.
Jocita is capable of handling general household chores, cleaning, laundry, ironing clothes, grocery shopping, preparing and cooking meals for the family, and gardening.
She is experienced in infant and childcare.
She also has experience taking care of dogs as well.
Cooking wise, she enjoys cooking and baking (She used to work in a bakery in Philippines for 13 years).
She is able to cook Chinese, Western and Filipino dishes.
Some of the dishes she can cook: steamed fish, stir-fried vegetables, fried chicken, cabonara, stir-fried tofu, chicken curry, Japanese curry rice, kimchi, shrimp noodles, etc.
Also, baked goods like muffins, bread, carrot cake, chiffon cake, brownies, etc.
May 2011 to Mar 2013 Worked in a landed house for a local Chinese family of Her duties: took care of 9 months old baby boy (up till age 3), do household chores, clean house, do laundry, wash and iron clothes, dish washing, grocery shopping, preparing and cooking meals for the family, and car washing.
ROL: Finished contract
ROL: Finished contract, Employer released her early as they had to relocate to England.
ROL: Employer relocated to Korea, no longer required her services.
ROL: Finished contract
She also took care of 3 dogs (daily walk, cleaning up, etc), and gardening.
ROL: Finished contract
She also took care of 1 dog (baths, daily walks, cleaning up after, etc) ROL: Employer no longer needs helper, Mam and son relocated to Philippines.
HOUNG LAUNG YA is a helper with 5 years of working experience in home country.
From 2016 to 2019, she worked at Sein Joseph Church as an assistant teacher.
Her childcare duties include feeding, preparing milk, showering, changing clothes & diapers, bringing the child to the playground and putting the child to bed.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
ROXANNE MAE ENCARNACION is a helper with 7 years of working experience in home country.
From 2010 to 2015, she worked at Jaca Bakery as a bread repacker.
From 2016 to 2017, she worked at Prosperity Restaurant as a waitress.
Her child care duties include feeding, preparing milk, showering, changing clothes & diapers, bringing the child to the playground and putting the child to bed.
Other duties include doing all the the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Philippines food, and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
AYE AYE MON is a helper with 3 years of working experience in Myanmar.
Her elderly care duties included feeding, preparing clothes, giving medication, assisting to go to hospital, bringing out the elderly for a walk and exercise.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
HNIN HNIN OO is a helper with 3 years of working experience in Myanmar.
Her childcare duties include preparing milk, feeding, showering, changing clothes & diapers, bringing the children to the playground and putting the children to bed.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
NANT SOE SANDAR is a helper with 3 years of working experience in Myanmar.
Her elderly care duties included feeding, preparing clothes, giving medication, assisting to go to hospital, bringing out the elderly for a walk and exercise.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
PAN WAI is a helper with 3 years of working experience in Myanmar.
Her childcare duties include preparing milk, feeding, showering, changing clothes & diapers, bringing the child to the playground and putting the child to bed.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
NANT YIN YIN MON is a helper with 3 years of working experience in Myanmar.
Her elderly duties include feeding, giving medication, assisting in daily activities like showering, changing clothes and bringing her out for exercise.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
KAY KHAING LIN is a helper with 3 years of working experience in Myanmar.
Her elderly duties include feeding, giving medication, assisting in daily activities like showering, changing clothes and bringing her out for exercise.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
PHYU SIN PHWAY is a helper with 3 years of working experience in Myanmar.
Her childcare duties include preparing milk, feeding, showering, changing clothes & diapers, bringing the children to the playground and putting the children to bed.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
HNIN PWINT PHYU is a helper with 3 years of working experience in Myanmar.
Her childcare duties include preparing milk, feeding, showering, changing clothes & diapers, bringing the children to the playground and putting the children to bed.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
NANT HNI HNI is a helper with 3 years of working experience in Myanmar.
Her childcare duties include preparing milk, feeding, showering, changing clothes & diapers, bringing the children to the playground and putting the children to bed.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
NANT IDAR is a helper with 1 year 8 months of working experience in Singapore.
Her childcare duties include feeding, preparing milk, showering, changing clothes & diapers, bringing the children to the playground and putting the children to bed.
Other duties include doing all the household chores, such as washing dishes, doing the laundry, ironing, housekeeping, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
NAW HEL LO is a helper with 4 years of working experience in Myanmar.
Her childcare duties include feeding, preparing milk, showering, changing clothes & diapers, bringing the child to the playground and putting the boy to bed.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Capable of newborn, infant, toddler & childcare as she took care of her own children since birth.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
NANT MU BWAR BWAR is a helper with 2 years of working experience in Myanmar & 4 months of work experience in Singapore.
Her childcare duties include feeding, preparing milk, showering, changing clothes & diapers, bringing him to the playground and putting him to bed.
Other duties include doing all the household chores such as washing the laundry, keeping the house clean, washing dishes, ironing, marketing and cooking.
She can cook Myanmar food, some Chinese food and willing to learn more other dishes.
Please Whatsapp or call 87767686 / 98391803 to arrange a video call interview.
Proficiency in household cleaning marketing and cooking.
Trustworthy, hardworking, and have a positive attitude.
Willing to learn new thing that can help the employer to theire daily lives.
She have a knowledge to taking care of kids and elderly, Proficiency in household cleaning, and cooking.
Trustworthy, hardworking, and have a positive attitude.
Willing to learn new thing that can help the employer to theire daily lives.
She can cook south and north Indian food.
Proficiency in household cleaning and cooking.
Trustworthy, hardworking, and have a positive attitude.
Willing to learn new thing that can help the employer to theire daily lives.