Employer 5: 24/03/2020 - 02/07/2020-ChineseMalaysian Family General household chores with another house maid, Cooking Chinese & Western foods.
Cooking Filipino & Indian Foods.
I am independent, hardworking, good patience and positive person I must say that I am good at things I do and deserving of such a good employer.
I work hard for my children back in my country especially I have a son taking Laws as a profession.
I am fluent at speaking in English.
I can and willing to take care of pets but only dogs.
Also I can do carwash once a week.
As for the Cooking skills, I do humbly say, I can cook Filipino, other Asian like Japanese and Korean & Western foods.
And also soups such as: ABC soups and noodle soups.
I can transfer by15-18th of December.
**************************************************************** Employment History-Results Found : 7 Employer Period of Employment Industry Start Date End Date Employer 7 -19/08/2020 Present - Filipino Indian Family Employer 6 -02/07/2020 19/08/2020- Filipino Family Employer 5- 24/03/2020 02/07/2020- Chinese Malaysian Family Employer 4- 03/03/2018 24/03/2020- Dutch Family Employer 3- 20/03/2017 13/03/2018- Chinese Local Family Employer 2- 29/05/2013 20/03/2017- Chinese Local Family Employer 1- 04/03/1993 10/01/2000 - Chinese Local Family.
I am matured, responsible and eager to learn new skills if given me the new opportunity.
As for the Cooking I have learned to cook Chinese and Western foods.
I can cook some of the Chinese foods like their soups either Pork or Chicken or Fish, Stir fry veggies, Fried Foods like Chicken, Curries and some Simple Western like pastas.
I also know how to make Sunny side up eggs, Steam, and Egg Omelette.
I am confident that I can follow recipe.
Please contact my Agency Ze @ 86001587 for my phone , video Anytime at my free time only.
********************************************************* Employment History-Results Found : 2 Employer Period of Employment Industry Start Date End Date Employer 2 16/11/2018 -Present Chinese Local Family Employer 1 09/04/2009 -06/03/2017 Australian and Malaysian Family ******************************End***********************************.
I had worked with 4 different employers from 2011.
I can communicate with good English and love taking care of children.
All my previous employers have children which I help to take care.
As for cooking, I can cook chinese and Indian dishes.
Chanan, Curry and chapati are some of the dish I cook everyday.
I can be interview anytime via phone and video or face to face interview.
Please contact my agency @ Ze 86001587 for my phone/ video /face to face interview.
I am independent person, still eager to learn new skills.
I can take good in kids well.
I have good relationship w them.
I can cook Chinese foods like different kinds of soups such as ABC soups, Lotus roots soups w Pork bones, Herbal black chicken soup.
Yellow cucumber soup .
I can cook Stir fry veggies , steam fish & mince Pork, Egg omelet , sunny side up and some basic Pasta like Spaghetti.
I can cook some Indian foods for Vegetarian and some non veggies.
I can transfer by end of November 2020 Please contact my agency Ze @ 86001587 for my phone , video and face to face interview.
Louie has a nursing aide short term course in Singapore.
She learns hoe to check vital signs such as body temperature or blood pressure.
She did some training's too at elderly homes located at Changi Road Singapore.
Louie has more than seven years working experienced in Singapore for several families.
This family is staying in an HDB flat which she does all the household chores, cooking and marketing.
for Chinese family She is looking after three children ages three, seven and nine.
She does all the household chores with the used of all electric appliances such as vacuum, washing machine, rice cooker, slow cooker and more.
She is the one does the cooking and marketing as well.
for Chinese family She is looking after two children ages five and newborn which turned to 6 till she went back home.
In these employment, she worked for six years.
She became the governess in the family as he already knew all the daily routine which needed to be accomplished in every day.
This family is staying in an HDB does all household chores, cooking and marketing.
The family is staying in a condominium and does all around housekeeping, cooking and marketing too.
She does all the house works, cooking, and marketing.
Louie can cook Indian, Chinese, Basic western and local Filipino dishes.
She loves to do cooking especially desserts.
Louie is humble, hard working with initiative and jolly.
I am happy , independent person, patience and able to adapt quickly w new environment.
I have positive attitude and I would like to earn more more here whilst working for my family to support .
Roasted Chicken, Soups like Potatoes,, Corn, and I have confident that I can cook following recipe.
by just experiment.
Currently I am working w another helper name Edna Soubiron , we have the same jobscope but my main priority is cookiing .
I am currently staying in CDE, ( Non profit org) due to we work 2 houses.
and CDE helped us.
I can do house visit as well.
However, I want to work in my next family like treated me like part of their family.
I have phobia on how our bad experienced but because of my children that I need to support them, I am still here to find a good family to work .
I am honest , matured and responsible person.
As to take good care w any pets, I can handle too.
As for the Cooking, I merely know basic Chinese foods in my current Employer , like fried rice, Chicken curry, chicken adobo, Fried veggies, Porridge , Steam eggs, scramble and sunny side up, Omette , fried chicken, Fried fish, Soups w veggies , Chicken soups, Duck bones and Spaghetti .
We are now staying in CDE ( Non profit org) .
I am working w another helper and we do rotation the job scope but Cooking is the main job scope of the other helper.
I only assisted her.
My current employer they are very kind to me but because of their children is already independent, they do not need full time helper.
As for to take good care of the Dog, I had experience and I do not mind if my next Employer has dog/ puppies.
As for the House type, I still able to work w Big house as long as there is no Small kids anymore.
***************************************************** Employment History-Results Found : 5 Employer Period of Employment Industry Start Date End Date Employer 5 27/12/2017 Present China British Family Employer 4 05/04/2017 15/11/2017-American Italian Family Employer 3 04/08/2016 05/04/2017-Chinese Family Employer 2 20/06/2013 13/05/2015-Chinese Family Employer 1 06/10/1993 19/01/1994-Chinese Family.
Indonesian maid:Endang Maid Agency: I-HUNTING Ex-Singapore
5 years of working experience in S'pore.
She has completed 2 x contract on her first job in S'pore for a Chinese (vegetarian family) family of 3 adults and 2 little ones.
She is good in looking after toddler & child beside handling of housework and cooking for family with Grandma's help if she is busy with the baby.
I have very good patience with the Kids.
My duties as nanny, includes : feeding, shower, changing diapers , read books, play with them and cooking their food if they required ( ALL around)
I am also taking care of elderly for 6 years and my duties was to shower , feed , changing diaper, turning every 2 hrs to prevent bed sore , help them to give medicine and cook the required food she needs .
I can cook Chinese and Western food.
and willing to learn more about cooking .
I can transfer on 30th of October 2020 .
Please contact my agency @ Ze 86001587 for my phone/ video /face to face interview.
************************************************************** Employment History -Results Found : 6 Employer Period of Employment Industry Start Date End Date Employer 6 03/07/2018 Present - Chinese Local Family Employer 5 24/03/2017 03/07/2018 -Australian- Korean Family Employer 4 25/04/2016 17/03/2017 -Norwegian Swedish Family Employer 3 07/07/2012 25/04/2016 -Chinese Local Family Employer 2 28/04/2009 14/02/2011-Indian Japanese Family Employer 1 05/03/2009 28/04/2009- Chinese Local Family.
I am independent person and I do my best for my Children to give them a good future.
I am willing to sacrifice for them.
I am hardworking person, friendly and flexible.
I can say I am patience as well.
, General household chores and Cooking.
Cooking & General household chores.
As for the Cooking, I can cook Chinese Foods like Soups w Chicken or Pork mixed w vegetables or Peanut Soups, Chicken /Pork with Mushroom ,Steam fish, eggs, Porridge & many more.
As for Indian vegetarian not much coz I only worked w them for 4 months but almost similar w Arabic spices and foods.
I can transfer on 29/30th of July 2020.
Please contact my agency ZE@86001587 for my phone/video interview.
I can cook Filipino foods, Chinese foods like Light cooking such as Noodle soups, ABC soup, Steam Fish, Fried foods, Fried Chicken/ Pork ( Filipino Style) Stir/fried veggies, Steam Eggs, hard boil eggs, Spaghetti and follow recipe only.
Please contact my agency ZE @ 86001587 for my phone and video interview.
I do hope that I can give them a better future.
hence I am here to work hard for them.
I am independent person, flexible, willing to learn and I am friendly person too with the right group of friends.
My worked experienced here for 5 years & 3 months and I had 3 employers.
To take good care of the baby, I can take good care from 4 months old & above by myself, I can handle the baby solely.
As for the Pets, Dog or Cats I can take good care of them too.
As for the cooking, this is my weakness as in my 3 employers I worked, I only assisted them as my primary job is to take good care the 2 kids in my first employer and the 2nd Employer is to do general household chores.
For my present only my mdm do the cooking and I only assisted her.
Currently I am here in the agency to find a new employer and I can join anytime.
Please contact my agency Ze @ 86001587 for my phone and video & face to face interview.
************************************************************************ Employment History-Results Found : 3 Employer Period of Employment Industry Start Date End Date Employer 3 20/04/2019 - Present Chinese Filipino Family Employer 2 16/03/2017 31/01/2019 -Chinese Local Family Employer 1 13/03/2015 16/03/2017 -Chinese Local Family **********************************************************************************.
My experienced as a helper its already 5 yrs and I want to experienced with a smaller family this time and I do not want to work w another helper.
I am hardworking person, I don't complaint if I can work but I am also worried about my health if I forced myself to work with bigger family this my current Employer total family members are 11 pax.
Overall, I can cook Filipino, Chinese & Indian non vegetarian foods.
For Chinese , I can cooked the ABC soups, Chicken , any Pork soups w veggies, zstema, stir fry vegetables, Egg omelet etc.
For Indian foods, I can cook different kinds of curries, Bryani chicken , Sambar,Daal, Saute and some Western as well like Bolognese, Grilled/BBQ, Chicken Cutlet and I can bake simple Bread.
I still love to learn new other recipes hopefully in my next Employer.
I worked here for my family to support.