She has working experience as helper in Mizoram, India.
She can do all general housework, can handle electrical appliances, cooking simple Indian food & Mizo food like chappati, fry potato sambal, curry, soup & etc.
Has experience in childcare & disabled person.
Willing to take care of the children, elderly & disabled people.
She can do general housework very well.
She can cook Indian food, and she can follow recipes.
She can speak good in English.
She is willing to learn new things and takes the initiative when given a task.
She is also able to take directions and follow instructions.
She is a good team player and can work well with others.
With her experience and hardworking attitude, She can be a valuable helper to the family.
She has working experience as helper in Mizoram, India.
She can do all general housework, can handle electrical appliances, cooking simple Indian food & Mizo food like chappati, fry potato sambal, curry, soup & etc.
Has experience in childcare & elderly care.
Willing to take care of the children, elderly & disabled people.
She can do general housework very well.
She can cook Indian food, and she can follow recipes.
She can speak basic English.
She is willing to learn new things and takes the initiative when given a task.
She is also able to take directions and follow instructions.
She is a good team player and can work well with others.
With her experience and hardworking attitude, She can be a valuable helper to the family.
Willing to take care of the children, elderly & disabled people.
She can do general housework very well.
She can cook Indian food, and she can follow recipes.
She can speak good in English.
She is willing to learn new things and takes the initiative when given a task.
She is also able to take directions and follow instructions.
She is a good team player and can work well with others.
With her experience and hardworking attitude, She can be a valuable helper to the family.
Has experience in childcare & elderly care.
Willing to take care of the children, elderly.
She can do general housework very well.
She can cook Indian food, and she can follow recipes.
She can speak good in English.
She is willing to learn new things and takes the initiative when given a task.
She is also able to take directions and follow instructions.
She is a good team player and can work well with others.
With her experience and hardworking attitude, She can be a valuable helper to the family.
From 2018 to 2023 in the Philippines, a Filipino family of 4 members, a couple and 2 children (a 1-year-old and a newborn baby ), lived in a bungalow house with 3 rooms and 2 toilets, she took care of the two children,and doing household chores like cooking, washing clothes, washing dishes, ironing, cleaning the house, and gardening.
From 2023 to 2024 in Saudi Arabia an Arab family of 10 members 7 adults and 3 kids.
She knows how to cook Filipino food and basic Arab food, and is willing to learn more cuisines.
She is willing to work with any nationality and is suitable for newborn care, infant care, and child care.
Juvelyn is a very patient person, humble, responsible, and respectful.
Previously she has experience working in the Philippines.
She had vaccinated/ Booster.
She can speak good English.
She can cook Pilipino food like butter prawn/ crab, stir fry veg mixed squid, spaghetti, fried bihun, fried noodles, plain porridge, veg soup, , grilled pork, dark sauce pork, chicken / pork soup, steam fish, sweet and sour fish, curry chicken.
Her cooking is nice and she willing to learn.
She can eat pork and beef.
Previously she has experience working in Midddle East.
She not afraid of dog.
She can cook Pilipino food like spaghetti, fried rice, pasta, chicken / pork soup, dark sauce pork, stir fry veg, grilled chicken and fish, chicken / pork soup, Her cooking is nice and she willing to learn.
She can speak good English and she willing to learn.
She can do simple sewing, cycling, swimming and gardening.
She has 2 kids in her previous marriage and 1 on her common-law spouse.
She was born and raised in Narvacan Ilocos Sur Philippines.
She also took up her Certification in caregiving and attained it this year 2024.
Her common-law spouse is working as a farmer and will be the one taking care of her kids once she works abroad.
Ritchie is well experienced in taking care of infants, toddlers, and even the elderly since she was trained during her certification in caregiving.
She is a very hardworking person, has initiative, and is a very jolly person.
She is now working as an online seller of goods like fruits, vegetables, and cooked meals to earn a living, which is why she is seeking opportunities abroad so she can have a better income to support her family.
2017 - 2019 She worked in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with an Arab Family staying in a 2 bedroom apartment.
There are 3 family members, a couple and 1 baby girl (11 months old).
She did all the chores including cooking, washing the dishes, doing laundry, ironing, vacuuming the floor, sweeping, and mopping the floor.
She will bathe, feed, and make sure that the baby is taken care of well.
Sometimes she will bring the child to play in the park too.
She worked with them for 2 years and finished the contract and went back home after.
2021 - 2023 She worked in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia with an Arab elderly couple in their 60's and 70's, staying in a 2-bedroom flat.
She is the caregiver of the 72-year-old Man.
She is the one doing tube feeding on him, preparing his food, insulin checking, and feeding his medication.
Ritchie also does all the household chores and assists the lady elderly too.
Every Friday they will usually go to the park or mall for a walk.
She worked with them for 25 months and went back home after her contract.
Ritchie took up her caregiving course when she was back in the Philippines.
Now she is seeking and applying job to work in Singapore so she will have a better income to support her family on their financial needs.